> Brest region > Drahičyn county > Vavuličy village

Vavuličy on the map

Vavuličy - travel guide - photos and attractions

The first written mention: 1445

Spelling variations:
Вавулічы Вавуличи Wawulicze Vavuličy Вовуличи Vovulichi Vavuliczy Vavuliche Vavulichi

52° 13'8.94"N, 25° 21'30.87"E

What to see:

Vavuličy. : Places of interest | selected photos

Vavuličy.  Orthodox church of the Birth of the Virgin

Vavuličy. Orthodox church of the Birth of the Virgin (1737, > 1850) Photo © Валерий НИКИФОРОВ | 16 августа 2016 г.