> Podlaskie voivodeship > Hajnówka powiat > Dubicze Cerkiewne village

Dubicze Cerkiewne on the map

Dubicze Cerkiewne - travel guide - photos and attractions

Spelling variations:
Äóá³÷û Öàðêî¢íûÿ Äóáè÷å Öåðêåâíå Dubicze Cerkiewne Dubicze Cerkiewne

52° 38'57.83"N, 23° 26'33.55"E

What to see:

Dubicze Cerkiewne. : Places of interest | selected photos

Dubicze Cerkiewne.  Orthodox church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

Dubicze Cerkiewne. Orthodox church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin (> 1553 (1), 1729 (2), 1946-53) Orthodox church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Dubicze Cerkiewne Photo © shutterstock.com | ca. 2016