Bryansk region: New pictures
Orthodox Monastery of the Assumption
Suponevo market town Photos added by Guilhem MESTRE
Town streets
Bryansk town Photos added by Guilhem MESTRE
Orthodox church of St. Nicholas
Bryansk town Photos added by Guilhem MESTRE
Orthodox church of the Saviour
Bryansk town Photos added by Guilhem MESTRE
Orthodox church of the Resurrection
Bryansk town Photos added by Guilhem MESTRE
Lost heritage | Photo
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Nie Pisany tylko Oksany ...
We wsi Smolewicze mieszkała moja babcia Aleksandra Zyl ur 1923, córka Iliana i Pisany. Miała brata Antona i siostry. Czy ktoś zna rodzinę?...
Ambilewce? Where is it on a map? Grandfather born in Ambilewce.
Gdzie jest na mapie?
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Дзе гэта на карце?
Witam. Prosze o kontakt z osobą która poszukiwała kogoś z rodziny Galwielo (Gabriela Galwielo)?
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