> Smolensk region > Velizh county > Velizh town

Velizh on the map

Velizh - travel guide - photos and attractions

The first written mention: 1385

Spelling variations:
Âÿë³æ Âåëèæ Wieliż Velizh Vialiž Wielizh Velizh


What to see:

Lost heritage

Velizh. : Lost heritage | Photo

Velizh.  Orthodox church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Orthodox church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Former Uniate church. Photo made in 1932

Velizh.  Catholic church Catholic church

Church at the photo made in 1932 (www.vielizh.ru)

Velizh.  Town hall Town hall

The town-hall at the postcard from beginning of XX cent.

Velizh.  Catholic church of the Assumption of Mary Catholic church of the Assumption of Mary

Church at the postcard postcard from the beginning of the 20th century