Werejki. : Zabytki i atrakcje | zdjęcia
proszę o inne zdjęcia z koscioła w Werejkach....
Wierejki – parafia p.w. Imienia Maryi
1840 – budowa i konsekracja kościoła
1859-1860 – ks. Kazimierz Kontrym (f)
1860 – filialny kościół na terenie parafii Repla w dekanacie wołkowyskim.
1921-1927 – ks. Albin Horba (p)
1927-1929 – ks. Edward Ceran
1929-1938 – ks. Bolesław Hryniewiecki (p)
1952 – za...
Re my previos message the family names should read Feliksa and Anastasia and their children were Bronislawa, Wladyslaw and Zofia. I appologise for the confusion. ...
Re my previous email the family I believe was resident in your area Circa 1930-1939 ...
I believe that my wifes mothers family came from your area and we are trying to confirm this. The family name was Swiertochy. My wifes grandfather and grandmother were Feliksa and Jana and their children were Bronislawa, Wladyslaw and Zocia.
I would be most grateful if you could help in any way.
Robert Paterson